The Sipping Duck

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

the GFO

On my first day at my new station, I thought I could successfully pull off the just-blend-with-the-background act. I had it all planned. I was going to stay out of everyone’s way, keep to my little corner and be as quiet as someone who has laryngitis. I really believed that I could keep up the act for the duration of my temporary detail at what I fondly call GFO (Ground Floor Office).

The GFO is known as the Rumor Center of the entire company. If there was a rumor going on, chances are, someone from the GFO had started it or at least knew about it. And if for some strange reason they didn’t start it, they would make up for the lost chance by spreading it. Idle time produces idle minds and the people at the GFO had a lot of “Idle”. They never bothered to correct the impression and worse, each time a new boss would come along, they would make it a point to show off their fangs and claws. If the new boss shows lack of control, they would go on with their merry and still idle ways. If the new boss shows bigger fangs and claws, they would move away but be back with a vengeance with rumors about him/her unleashed like the plague. Because of this, only two kinds of Senior Executives were assigned at the GFO, those who were either pitied or disliked. Pitied because no one else was available to take on the job and the GFO could not be left without a boss lest it turn into a day-long lounge with free arts and crafts lessons, mah-jongg sessions and drinking sprees. Disliked because, well… everyone considered it to be the most insignificant office of all. If the new Executive was efficient, well and good, but if he/she wasn’t, it would still be alright because the company has learned to ignore the functions of the GFO rationalizing that others can do the job just as well and without the bureaucracy attached.

Employees describe the GFO as the holding area of malcontents, the breeding ground for future insubordinates, the training area for rumor-mongers and activists, the support group of A.W.O.L or M.I.A employees. Anyone who enters becomes corrupted and the only way to keep yourself sane is to steer clear of them as much as possible. Clichéd, but one must never lose sight of who he is.

Sadly, I should have known better.


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